Dear Community,
indaHash is coming at you once again this month with CAMPAIGN UPDATES exclusively featuring AirBNB in the APAC region 🌎📲 PRODUCT UPDATES making our award winning platform even more user-friendly for our clients💻 PR UPDATES from Japan and more!🍾🏆🎊 ENJOY! ✌🌏
This month we are proudly featuring a campaign out of the APAC region for AirBNB! 🏠🏘 Check out some of our favorite photos from our inspiring influencers for this globally recognized brand below! 👇🏻⬇️
We introduced influencers a search tool based on their Audience parameters (provided by influencerDB)! 📊 Watch the following video to learn about how we target influencers & create whitelists for clients, and below it see an example of Influencer Analytics that can be produced from this data! 📩
Make sure to check out our Business Development 💼 head from Japan 🇯🇵 talking all things Influencer Marketing 👤 in the most recent Exchange Wire article! 📃 Click the link below the image to check it out. Great job Hajime!
This next featured article is in Japanese! Have a look by clicking the link under the image below! indaHashがローカルでどのようにブランドと成果を残しているか知っていますか? 🤝🌏 答えは野村から! 🔎 弊社の日本のカントリーマネージャーである彼はサッポロ様と共にインフルエンサーマーケティングでの弊社のシステムとその活用事例を紹介しました!💻 日経クロストレンドでのインタビュー記事はこちらからチェック
Thanks for tuning in!
All the best,
indaHash Team